Contact us

Please use this form for general enquiries only. Click here to report badger sightings and setts.

Do not use this form to report orphaned/injured badgers - please contact USPCA 028 3025 1000 or local vet.

Please check out our Information Hub before contacting us. You may find the information or advice you require there.

If you are not in Northern Ireland but need advice or help regarding a badger-related matter in England or Wales, please contact your local badger group or the Badger Trust.  If you are in Scotland please contact Scottish Badgers. For advice or help in the Republic of Ireland, please contact Badgerwatch Ireland.

Please note that we do not carry out surveys or provide any professional services.

We will process any personal data provided to us as appropriate for the purpose of responding to your enquiry. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.